My Conclusion

I have always been activated to be conscious of useful things from the very beginning in life. When some sense developed in childhood from infancy, I was trained to be conscious of daily courses and senses of shame were induced in me. In the course of growth in age, I was introduced to many conscious oriented topics as preparations to meet both the physical and spiritual worlds smoothly. Morality, rituals, family values, culture, and religious matter took the top positions in teachings to sail in the world. Wherever any sort of lacking in me was noticed, I was made conscious. Finally, before the beginning of my youth phase, I became a mature trunk of a tree to face the worldly challenges.

My teachers and my parents trained me well but the world had many other options to change me as per others’ conditions and needs. When I was a student, I heard a number of times grievance about my shortcomings and onus was assigned to my parents’ style of bringing me up. But I continued learning as to how to deal with worldly affairs. I learnt many things to overlap my all earlier teachings. Last but not least, in this materialistic world, craving money became a driving force for all desires, forgetting many responsibilities related to many, like moral and social teachings.

Morality always took the last position in dealing with the public for vitamin – M (money). I did the job and earned more curses than the blessings of deserving one. All those silently gathered in the store of my destiny ahead. I rejoiced the incomes other than salary to satiate me and my family’s welfare. I used my position and power not to serve as a servant but as an opportunity for garnering money. This attitude affected my social life and responsibilities. I had become only toy controlled by remote keys. Even I couldn’t give the required attention to my aged, ailing parents for the reason and participated in their last rituals only.  Because of my family, I was formal to my parents.

My activities bore fruits later in my old age when I required the dear ones the most. I remained alone among all family members. I was the money getting machine to them in their show businesses.

Whether I was a lesson to others or not, I did not know but I had lost my root and was not eligible to teach on my actions. My achievements were only known to outsider’s as praise but the cost paid for them was known to me. I could not tell that a happy man like me, as appeared, might not be really happy. A healthy and strong looking man might be suffering and living on medicine.

I had nothing to appreciate. My relatives were for naming the relationship without proper contacts. I had missed the real syllabus of life. I was successful but for myself. I got an addiction to wealth and missed the bus of my life. I had only the remembrance and repentance in share at the last stage of life.

My remembrance of childhood spent in my native village, my house, trees, ponds, orchards, fields, relatives and friends are last treasure to give me some relief. My repentance on my deeds during servant of people is curse for the rest of life. Now I am beating around the bush. I ask for my care, though I am a victim of not taking care of my aged and needy parents. Time is the best teacher.

The end is clear. I remember the same condition witnessed in the case of one of my older colleagues who ultimately got the punishment by destiny. He was alone. Even his better half had left him for her convenience. I have no way other than to wait and I am waiting for my turn.

It is clear that life is a story to be written by oneself. It faces the results during the present one life. No second life is required by God to execute the task in the form of results.

Old age is the mirror showing your real images without make-up. Life is not the business but it has been made. Behavioural changes should keep in mind their reciprocal effects. Everyone is the ultimate recipient of the results of deeds. Life has no grievance redressal system. Life is to be searched and concluded in own way owing to its interpretation. Life’s smile is conditional. There is no “Thanksgiving way” in the last time of life.

My Criticism

I do not know anything about my previous lives, if any, on this earth. But I want to criticise myself in the present journey of life. In this journey from infancy to old age via adulthood, I have faced both happy and bad days in styles permitted by God.

My childhood was free from all encumbrances because of my parents. I am the youngest in all siblings, so l still enjoy the affection of all. You will not believe but you should. Whenever I am with my elders, I become free of all worries, as if I am still a child. I sleep till late in the morning as usual. The moment I return to my false paradise, my all worries take positions and l wake up early morning to be good to the family.

Really, my childhood memories are like tension releasing pills. The growth in age brought changes in life for readiness for the future through lower to higher education. I excelled in it as such that I suppressed the hormonal changes in me under the family’s traditions and I could not say to someone that I would die in love if she refused me. My education life ended, but that wish remained unfulfilled for the rest of the life left.

One day, I got the service in lieu of my education after several competitions and interviews. I thought that I would live my life as I had wished. But I had no options other than accepting sorrow of my shares. My parents took close care of changes in me. Because of my late return to home in the evening from the office, I drew the attention of my parents. I did not know what their sixth sense triggered for my activities after service but one day my parents, who always instructed me to abstain from girls to avoid diversion from goal and study, called me and showed photos of girls to select for continuity of family. What a pity, when I told to give me time to think, l was not taken into account and one sided missile was launched by my father with final decision and for all my dreams – may God bless me every time. I was concluded and pegged. Everyone enjoyed my marriage ceremony. My parents, my already married friends and relatives reminded me that my family was my responsibility. I thanked all for good, better and best words and satires. I could say that I enjoyed it but not for a long period because responsibility was fixed on me and I had to take care of all. One day, my father, after initial diagnosis of his experiences, told me about married life that It should be an important part of a journey, to be handled with care – fragile material, no upside-down, always be careful. Since then I became more serious.

As usual, in due course, I contributed to increasing the population by multiplying one and one for becoming three. My parents were happy and I became busy remembering my childhood.

Gradually, time taught me many things. I became more responsible. In the long run, I realised the reasons of behaviours of my parents with me in my childhood when I witnessed my growing child. The history was repeating itself. I missed myself.

Ultimately, I have learnt the calculations of life but I have not learnt the formulae of its maths. Life is not a business. For businessmen, money matters in practicability. But here, every life matters, I have learnt. Accordingly, I have changed a lot at the cost of my life.

After meeting all my responsibilities through available means, now I am consuming my life in old age. Now, I remember that my father used to read newspapers to be in race with time. Besides, a few magazines were his favourite. I used to read stories and a few pieces of news for preparing the competitive exams. I have that habit continued but the electronic media, now a days, are playing great roles in social life and in keeping engagements, especially in evening and night. There are now many channels, in Television, vying with each other for popularity. In different channels, a number of serials, in the name of entertainments, are having the same story in different forms. I get bored after a few days but my better half thinks that every story has similarities with her life. I suffer for this type of her understanding. Sometimes, my tea time becomes prey to her wrath. I am a good, helpless husband – a silent observer. My children enjoy my conditions but I can’t say them anything because the time of my father has changed. Society has so much advanced that family structure is contracting. I take cognisance of my age instead of intimidating my children. My wife is always their supporter against me and vice-versa.

I am continuing with my new attentions to news channels along with my newspapers. Reading newspapers is my habit. However, I get every type of news from local to state to national and international level in seconds in TV. I am happy to be more versatile. But my this happiness is restricted against the love of my wife for serials. My children love sports and I adjust to their timing, too.

News channels are my favourites but they are blocking channels of my mind. Now a days, I am confused while listening to political discussions on any topic in the news channel where spokespersons of political parties take care of the respective party’s views. In the last of every discussion, I, myself, get confused about the growth of my country. I am confused – what is good and what is bad? The so-called political specialist and analyst, in such discussions, appear to be preoccupied by some thoughts against any party. I have seen many of them as political spokespersons. I find biasness in the selection of news, mostly restricted to draw attention to specific cases of big cities. The breaking news is repeated the whole day as many channels claim to be the fastest and firstest ( my creation of word ). I repent on my fate when I hear silly questions of anchors from correspondents covering news of incidents. Four or five head lines of news are sponsored by many advertisements in most of the channels. I do not draw positive conclusions in the last in most cases. It becomes more interesting to note the sudden enlightment of the soul of a leader who frequently changes the political party. The ideology is rejuvenated. This happens as per convenience. One more thing I remember is that at the time of election, core issues of education, health and defence, etc. get minimum or no place and misguide the people for grabbing the power. Discussions on news channels work as opium and the people lose their nerves to real issues. An incident that happened anywhere brings political reviews as per the convenience of political thoughts. The ultimate loser is public. I remember the simplicity in news of radio, I have in my memory from my childhood. Ear was attentive and my mind was analytical.

Now, I am turning to my old habits of listening to old songs and viewing old movies where love and relationships are expressed in symbols and in things. Even bad, open, unacceptable and unavoidable scenes are well delineated as indications with the help of nature for continuity of the story. Everyone may guess about every outcome against any happening. Nowadays, all those expressions are depicted in so-called modern and highly advanced societies differently in the name of the demands of stories and society.

The world is becoming more open to fetch finite from infinite. But confidence with confusion, in this congested world, is increasing. I have seen manifold changes in this world. The stories, politics, and thoughts are innovative. There are many types of shortcuts. If you want to be famous in a short time, give controversial, hurting and cunning statements against someone, political party, nation or faith. The advertisements in various media have many types of emotional and venomous blackmailing words and picturisation for relationships with hammering the brain for the growth of companies and businesses. All expectations diminish in social media where the brain becomes silent and life goes into silent and titillating mode by decoding with fingers on screen without considering – what next? These are the platforms where peace is sold in a sarcastic manner with intentions of popularity.

I am lucky that I have lived many lives in one life but at the last stage of life, I am compromising. Only my friends are my childhood memories, controlling my blood pressure. I remember the time when I was innocent and had a slumber of more than normal periods. As the knowledge increased, my sleeping habits changed
and the duration was reduced. At this stage of age, I am fighting for good and healthy sleeping. Let this desire be fulfilled and fighting be overed. I do not want to be a famous burden. I do not have the desire to be part of the dumping ground of life. I have contributed to sustainability to the world. I want to live with jest and joy and never give heed to persons who try to remind me my age. May God bestow wisdoms on such persons who are missing in mind that time will not leave anyone in the race of life to pass through every stage.

I know everything may never be in order. I have learnt it from my experiences as well as indirectly from others. Life may never stay forever and comes to stand still by the grace of God. I am changing in spirit and spirituality to be useful to my beloved God as I am indebted to him.

Their Lives

A gathering of senior persons, once served in various government’s offices in various capacities, was a centre of attraction in that company garden. All of them used to gather there, in the evening. Their presence was always felt there because of their laughter and jokes. Sometimes, they played games of their childhood like small children. A few of them were friends from childhood and had close bindings. Others, in that group, were from different cities and had settled there, as they had served in that city for longer durations. The suitable climate and developed infrastructures of that city had attracted them to spend their old age there.

Their gathering was always awaited by other regular visitors as they were real reflection of children, in old age. They used to play, enjoy, and spend time like children. They were very talkative but never discussed serious issues to increase their blood pressure. They were always witnessed in light moods, gathering energy and leading a healthier life. They were examples to others who used to deplore on the adverse situations. Perhaps they had controlled their desires to match their limited resources.

It was not possible to guess about their status because we were observers of their short lives spent in the garden. But it was clear that they were happy. One day, when someone asked about the secrets of their happy lives, they laughed and told him laughing is the best exercise for them. They belonged to a generation that had seen many restrictions and hindrances. When they became able to earn, they cut their coats according to their clothes. They were champions of management for their future, having knowledge of changing time, social structure and financial requirements, etc. They were conscious of their health. They had preference for walking or cycling in the city, avoiding use of vehicles. Thus, they had mechanisms both to fight rising fuel prices and maintaining health to minimise expenditure on hospitals. They said that they had seen persons fighting obesity or otherwise, going to gyms to maintain health because of food habits and different types of addictions. They had seen the time when developments started and many things had changed before them. They had met their basic needs first, ignoring the boasting of status in the society, taking unwanted loans and avoiding unnecessary debts. They knew that health problems and need of money might not be predicted every time. So, they had tried for financial security through available savings options and had no pressure in life. They were living through self-control and moderation from the very beginning. They were of the opinion that food habits and financial position were necessary for life, specially in old age. Apart, good thoughts and helping attitudes were their ornaments for others to appreciate. They had limits to unlimited thoughts for happiness with satisfaction.

It became evident that their behaviours were childish but they had serious attitudes towards life and time. Since they had seen many changes, they could speak on the pros and cons of many topics. They had understood the changing facts and had taken lessons from the past. So, they had taken suitable actions from time to time. Rest they had left in the hand of God and destiny. Pure thoughts like children had brought happiness in their lives. They were living in the present. They had prepared for the future. They had learnt as to how to be master of their lives.

Human-made life cycle- a story

I was indebted to time to face the changes in my life. I was accepting the truth of life that day when my only son was to leave for abroad after attending the last rites of my wife, who was with me for about a golden jubilee period. He knew that I would be alone in that mere house, which was a sweet home because of his mother, so he emphasised me to be careful regarding diet and health. I knew that my bird had flown forever with the memory of the past.

I had a memory of three generations, sufficient to recall – my childhood with grandparents and parents and life with a devoted wife who was in the photo then, leaving me alone. She had broken her promise to be with me forever to take a last breath together. It was not in our control and time again proved to be a strong ruler.

We had been married at the time when the country was taking strides towards growth and development, to be at par with other developed countries. In those days, a boy, either having a government job or remarkable ancestral properties, was considered suitable for marriage. She came into my life because of my job. We played the music of time together and wrote many memorable chapters for ancestors and self. One day, she wrote a beautiful living chapter to add one baby to the new generation, endangering her life, to be complete to pay the debts of our forefathers.

Time was not waiting for anyone or anything. But many things were changing and many old concepts had paved the way for new thinking, controlled by the outcomes of developments. We were also affected. Those villages, where we grew up and saw less selfishness in relationships, appeared to be unattractive, unhealthy, and backwards, as compared to growing cities. We visited our villages on certain occasions to complete rituals but decided to restrict ourselves to cities for the sake of our son, and better education and infrastructure. My parents never lived with us for a long time due to the village’s attraction and we could not leave the city because of our son’s better future. My parents, one by one, left the world forever for the unseen world and our joint family disintegrated into a nuclear family. All brothers and sisters were scattered in the country in pursuit of a better life and the village’s population had declined. We all met occasionally. Our children could not get time to mingle and they became unknown to each other. Our interests, with the passage of time, became detrimental to many established thoughts and we tried to be part of the show business of society.

We were developing. The wheel of progress was moving. The self-contained time passed at the same pace. One day, our son got admission, in the desired subject, to the top-ranking institute in the country. He left the home for his wings to fly. I got a promotion in my job with more responsibilities and less time for my family. The son was away. I was involved mostly both in the office and at home, paying the price of the job responsibilities. My wife, who had her life for us, became alone in that big home, which was her heaven. She became silent. Her smile was occasional. One day, she lost all hopes to be together again when our son declared his decision to go abroad for a lucrative job. We tried to convince him to stay in the country but he became prey to the brain drain.

History repeated the self. Our son had left the country for a good job. I had left my village for the city for a better pasture. We both had the same attitudes but in different ways. We, barring our parents, became part of the crowd. The development and desire to excel consumed relations. The stories were the same but the scene was affected differently. We were in the nearby city to our village and could go regularly to meet our parents but, in our case, that was not possible. That condition affected my wife the most. It was aggravated by my job’s condition. It had not permitted me more time for family, as if the company was fully dependent on me. My wife became very alone, only active to complete her duties for me. She became very silent.

My home had been a hotel for me and she had been a statue. One day, I analysed my financial needs and decided to leave the job for ourselves. But my request was rejected by the authorities. Even my application for leave was not accepted. I could not give more time to her. One day, her condition deteriorated and she was hospitalised for treatment. All symptoms were related to her anxieties. I knew the reason and called the son to be with her for some days. She recovered fast and I got my wife back in normal condition.

I asked, rather than requesting my son to continue here forever, for his mother. But he logically and diplomatically expressed his helplessness. Once again, history repeated itself when he told that we settled in the city due to a lack of basic needs related to infrastructure. That was also applicable in his case on a larger scale. He recalled the memory of difficulties in getting the work done in various offices. There were no facilities as compared to his present country of stay. I smiled to know the change in attitude. He said that he had seen venomous political debates on channels of TV, wherein everyone tried to be right, dividing the society on various grounds and having strategies for the growth of the country. Most of them had changed political parties many times. Their principles had changed for getting tickets in elections. People did not have traffic sense and respect for children and aged persons on the roads. Ease of living norms was not present even after so many years.

I could not admire his analysis. I guessed that his stay was not possible because of his experiences in a new country. I took a chance to convince him. I recalled the thinking and analytical potentials of our ancestors and valuable literature, full of findings, related to all walks of life from nature to the universe to the almighty, given to the world. Those were useful in the present day also. Because of those abilities, we had the qualities to excel. When opportunities knocked, we grabbed them but other countries were using us in the form of a brain drain, alluring us, as the money mattered and facilities attracted. We had many things to give to the world as a family. Everyone is looking towards our country for peace and cultural richness. You might be missing there in a new country.

I accepted his denial to continue as the fate and destiny of my wife. We, as parents, blessed him with a bright life ahead. I had seen waves deep in the eyes of my wife while kissing the head of her son. She missed him a lot. I took voluntary retirement after continuous persuasion to look after her. We had a memory as treasures.

The success of our son in life had bought pleasure and recognition in society. We were judged as the best parents. We had seen proud moments and now we were facing problems. After a few years, my wife left me alone. She, at the last time, was seeing towards the door, waiting for her son. Her son came to attend her last rites, but he was worried about me. I was thankful for his concern but he could not continue in this country. I was not having hope anymore.

After his departure, I enquired in many institutions and old age homes about my stay for the rest of my life. I realised, for the first time, the plights of old people in society. In our youth phase, I gave priority to hay days and forgot about doomsday. I was alone with many problems. Developments took their toll. I felt that life was not financial management controlled by fund managers but it needed a highly devoted service manager. Money in the bank’s account chided me. I assumed the conditions of my parents, the last time when I had become a parent.


Everyone knows that status is not permanent. Who will not accept that position or condition may not change? It is also known that time is not multiplied. All such facts we know but in reality, we forget them and repent later on facing the situation. The almighty evolved the life in animal kingdom up to the highest level of humans with developed brains but without languages. The only common language controlled by nerves, continuing in humans everywhere, might be then in existence. All good or bad happenings and habits of the present day are the results of the experiences and needs of humans, faced in course of growth and development.

Human civilization has seen changes from the stone age to the present age of scientific achievements. The changes have been witnessed from mega-sized machines to smaller to nono machines. Developments have been made in many fields. Humans have started exploring planetary bodies and the universe. The weapons have changed from stones of the stone age to modern-day sophisticated weapons. Since then, enemies have changed from visible to invisible types affecting everyone. Most of the changes have been recorded in black and white.

It is also a fact that every new generation has the opportunity to reap the benefits of earlier generations’ developments and achievements without experiencing the efforts made and challenges faced.

One of the facts, I think to be true is the controlling age factor and old age in humans are meant for reviewing life and educating the present generation from their experiences. This age of mine has met a minimum of three generations.
We have seen the maximum changes in social bindings from the combined family to the nuclear family, from cooperative to self-centred attitudes- a deviation from share and care culture.

I remember one incident when I had joined service in a government office where I met the father of my friend. He told about his emotions after receiving his first salary in service. He had spent his salary on the purchase of clothing for his parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. I was surprised to note his feelings because I had sent only half of my salary to my parents. My grandfather had given all his income to his mother every month.

Now, I have grown older and am on the verge of retirement and the new generation is joining the office. I have been surprised to note that most of them purchased costly cell phones from their first salary to show their status without considering the situation of families and moral duties. The new generation has seen from copy to computer and from pen to e-system directly in one go. The earlier employees used to go to their parental houses to reside after retirement. Later, comfort played a role and settlement started in cities. Now the service opportunities are centred in a few places and the concept of ancestor houses is vanishing fast for a new generation.

These changes have mostly affected the old aged persons who have time but no one to share their experiences and expertise of life. When I was in my fifties, I was relaxed, as my father was my advisor and guide for all problems and my mother’s affectionate touch and love were my heavens. I always remained a child for them and enjoyed their experiences. One thing I remember is that in their last days they were like children having short memories and stubborn habits. I became their guardian for them till their departure from this opportunistic world. Now the question is what about me? I have a vacuum. I know the silent, unknown and sad departure of one of my friends because his sons were unable to come to meet him in his dying days. His whole life he had been praising the achievements of his sons for his status in society. We could know about his departure when his body was lying in a closed house, crying for disposal with a foul smell. All statuses proved futile last time without any social security. I am also sailing in the same boat and am worried. I think local common residences or well-managed old age homes may be promising for all aged persons.

Now, the effects of changes are as such that the new generation is not having time for themselves or family. This generation is getting treated as machines in professional life. This generation is mainly active on social media for information, time-consuming likes or comments and relationships after working time. The relations are nearer at the fingertips of gadgets but are emotionally far away due to distress and competition to prove to be excellent and exceptional. Life has been marketed to introduce the best product leading to psychological problems. Their slogan is that this life will not be met a second time, so enjoy it. There should be a new methodology to work free of distress to keep humanity alive. This generation is very sensitive and well-equipped to have an identity.

All problems have not gathered in one generation. We are expecting too much from the new generation without a proper education system and syllabus etc. We are harping on the same string for a long time. We need introspection for the new generation which is more career oriented and wants to be independent of duties towards older generations for lack of ” me time ” and costly lifestyle. We may not make every new generation scapegoat for our faults in teaching them moral, social and spiritual, etc. values and the importance of united families. It is our responsibility for the new world given to the new generation.

Besides, I have seen many changes after the economic revolution, in this one life. We have done more harm than good to ourselves through uncontrolled developments for supremacy. We have maximum adversely affected environments both surrounding and natural. We have seen the extinction of many species of birds and animals. Effects on seasons are also causing more harm to humans through erratic behaviours.

Nothing is permanent. Nature has been revealed through evolution and selection. The fittest always survive. It is the open secret of nature. It is now our turn to cautiously evaluate the progress-related activities for humans’ comfortable existence and sustainability. Otherwise, transformations may be heinous to civilization.

We should observe that nature has distributed all her resources throughout the globe, perhaps with the definite intention of evolving cooperation among all humans, besides geographical differences, for survival and existence. We are witnessing, after the division of land and ocean as properties of different nations that no nation is self-sufficient to survive alone and needs cooperation. We should have progressive scientific thinking to excel.

We have changed. We are changing at our cost.

G A N D H I – Beyond Horizon

A few lines of mine on Gandhi ji, the Bapu, may not define him or draw any conclusion on him. He was the belief and trend setter. He was the beginning and he was the end of thoughts of his time. We have knowledge of Gods and even proof is often asked to establish the truth. I think, beyond proof, the Gandhi ji was God of worldly habits. He lead and lived every aspect of life. Whatever conclusions he drew at different stages of life he applied them timely for taking further actions. He experienced the “truth” in childhood but applied for the rest of life in leading the mass. He even exposed his personal life for the benefits of all.
His life was an open book. The more you read the more you understand the meaning of life and responsibilities.

He had shown the world as to how to live with minimum requirements without disturbing natural ecology and using local resources. His every action was lesson to the world.

He was not having any political background but his only strength was thoughts influenced by religious books like the holy Gita. His message to the world was very loud and clear; that we could win and survive with strong, well thought, disciplined and planned execution and continuous monitoring upto the last result achieved. With these firm thoughts his views of non use of weapons and non cooperation to the mighty empire, helped the country in getting liberation from slavery without shedding too much blood.
His thoughts are still being applied in different parts of the world as peaceful weapons for liberation from slavery. He had proved that weapons could not deter the determination and rule for long period.
His message of non violence should be the moto of every citizen of each country. The world may see the heaven on earth, the nature may flourish and concept of global village may be true, if Gandhi ji is well understood by heart and not by mere theoretical approach.
It should be clear that piling of weapons may not bring happiness  and power in country but it reveals the weakness of that country. History is the proof, not a single mightiest kingdom is surviving on earth. Violence shows the sense of fear and insecurity. It has long term effect on humanity.
Gandhi ji had understood that and had analysed the strength of people and mobilised  them in India and South Africa.
There are differences on the actions taken by Gandhi ji. Tones of papers have been used to analyse him but It is my thinking that Gandhi ji was a messenger sent by the almighty to show the world the real path of peace and non violence. Further, through him, we get lesson that minimum is sufficient for living a good and self satisfied life.

If we follow them, certainly there will be peace on earth and everyone will be happy. Present situation of wars and lobbying among nations may be avoided. There will not be starvation in the world. The prevailing natural problems may be minimum because of minimum requirements from the nature.

I think, Gandhi ji was a soul to show the world path of heaven by his deeds and thoughts. We should agree that he who walked the talk, was reality.
No one may elaborate him, but adjectives can complain to him for lack in superlative  degree, for expressing the extent of his stature and  noble deeds. Even, many peace recognising and prize giving institutions or organisations of the world could not bring laurels to themselves by missing him in the list of their recipients. They missed the bus of history because of biasness. Now, they need recognition and explanation, because Gandhi ji was both introduction and explanation in himself.
He was so simple that a continuous single line may depict him without any decoration. Draw a simple line and a long stick on paper or any where, that is our beloved Gandhi ji who made a horizon beyond all horizons.

Every future generation  has to read and believe that  a  torch bearer of humanity was once here on earth, who loved everyone and lived for others and sacrificed his life owing to violence against which he had fought, while he was praying for all. A violent end of peace bearing lamp. Gandhi if you die in memory in any age in the world, that will be indication of dying civilisations and humanity. Still you are an inspiration to every movement for liberation and day to day problems.
Is there any end of writings on Gandhi ji who was loved by enemy too?

Old is Gold

The old one is always gold- most valuable having manifestation of the nature. We should hold his goldenness because  he or she is leaseholder, householer, placeholder, stakeholder of our lives. He or She is at the threshold to influence us manifold. His or Her bold face unfolds golden folders of pretold doldrums scolding the time. His or Her foothold has withhold us together. His or Her smile is like marigold.

We sould always be thankful to them as we treat them as our path to begin this journey of life. They should not be neglected rather their experience and guidance may be of great use for the betterment of  society. Wherever olds are neglected down fall of the culture and fortune starts early. When they start  keeping silent in the home the fate of that family starts deteriorating day by day and doomsday starts early.

We should never forget that history repeats and we have to sail in the same boat and we may reap the fruits of whatever have been sown. There may be worse scenarios. The life is the best teacher and behavior is the path to tread in future to face the music. This is always true. The old one is a living library. They are hidden treasures. Our furure’s golden days lie in their pandora’s box.