My Questions

We want friendship between dog and cat, lion and cow and other such animals which are enemies of life of each other but as human beings, when it comes to ourselves, our attitudes become analytical. We want lions to play with mice, but we humans have developed concepts of racism and many other differentiating thinkings as per vested interest. Every human wants to be self beneficiary at other’s cost.

Almighty, We, always, defy learning from your concepts for existence. We forget to take lessons and understand that deep into the cracks in the hard surface, you have a few seeds, waiting for drops of water to germinate under your guidance. You have media through Sun and rain for survival. Sun to develop cracks in hard surfaces to preserve seeds, deep in safe custody and rain, to limit the dryness for existence and sustainability. You have given capabilites to big trees to use cracks to strengthen their hold in the ground, spreading roots and to save themselves from storms. You have something for everyone for survival. Likewise, in the life of brainy humans, every unfavourable situation has an opportunity for preservation, waiting for someone who has been empowered to help and have capacity for continuity. You give indication by many means to take precautionary measures for preservation.

You make sense triggered into humans for your importance and meaning to give lessons to your world despite natural empowerment. We may always need your attention with some refinements to ensure the future. When we forget about your intentions in creating trust for others, you have grudges with us. But you never consider yourself to harm us with your last message and make space to all our progress.

We express ourselves and you may find many ways to protect us. Even if we leave earth without any belonging and other essentials, you have different ways to help us with your kindness. Because you always send us on earth like that, alone, without anything but with all prior necessary arrangements for our survival.

I think that we forget your intentions about our behaviours. You have given emotional lessons through sunlight which is a representation of the unity of seven colours, every colour sacrificing for a final colour, to be meaningful to give energy for the existence and sustainability of your creatures. At the same time, you show rainbow from sunlight, with message, to make life colourful with self entity. You have made solid ice, vapour and flowing liquid of the same water to give lessons to change at places to remain useful. You have given everything in one body – solid, liquid and gas. But I want to know about the allotment of the destiny and life of your individual creature. You change from one point to another, more likely to see your world better than unrealistic imagined scenes. Pleasure emanating scenes instigate thinking about your business. I may only guess.

I have many questions. You know them all. Because you germinate all questions in mind to generate persuasion for secrets of life. Your, so called, mentors, who carefully interpret you, at times, in the name of faiths, for their purposeful achievements, may not be unbiased for my questionnaires because they act as dividers. These dividers are not meant to check accidents on the road of thoughts but to generate conflicts since birth for their sake. You may only reply to my questions, ranging from pain to pleasure and spreading from this world to your world. These questions make a lifeline, demarcating the limit of this earthy world.  I crave to know about the beginning of your world because someone may know about the advent of life in this world after stipulated months but may not know the time of departure from this world.

I think that you should make your creatures unidirectional to love each other within diversity, for you only. When you decide our worldly arrival and departure, you should not leave us on our whimsical reasons to live. As your creature, I have the right to ask you because everyone in your world lives in individuality but pretends to be accommodative and cosmopolitan. They have forgotten that a roof needs more than one wall to rest in stability. I want to live for living with you. The only option, I feel, is to leave for your world at your mercy.

Human-made Life

Taste is to tongue but the problem is with stomach.
Thinking is to brain but its effect is for ages.
Life has been like that. Everything is as per rule but effect is never thought before action is completed. My thinking is becoming more self repenting and resenting because I am also a part of all. Where will the journey end? It is not in my control. Learned people may rebuke me because of their knowledge. My ignorance is now my weapon to save me from depression because of other’s deeds. But I want answers to my doubts. There may be limitations.

I have never seen the originator of the clandestine universe but I think that all answers only lie there with him. I have started having virtual conversations with that almighty. I am to ask questions and I am to answer through the almighty. I find that I have to be “We” first to know the reason and meaning of life.

We know from history that humans, with eager brains, slowly slowly explored the surroundings and were very happy with little knowledge and respect to nature and everyone. Their attitudes changed from sacrificing for each other with minimum needs to greed to grab maximum share for self without any limit. With the passage of time, cactus replaced rose flower as decorative plant and crows’ caw caw became melody replacing cuckoos’ melodious sound. They aggravated their future with problems in all walks of life.

Humans have traversed life from stone age’s  difficult dwelling in caves to comfortable high-rise buildings. They have developed two unpredictable faces. They may dupe psychologically with innocent attitudes. They are more political than actual thoughts influenced by their devotion to already defined responsibilities. Humans have increased knowledge and reached on Moon and Mars but have forgotten the meaning of life. They are only enriching their knowledge to enslave the rivals.

They have concluded that love should prevail in the world for peace and sustainability. They have accepted the existence of a controller and named almighty. That is another thing that with changing thoughts for supremacy, different religions originated, giving different names to the same one almighty. It is a matter of great surprise that humans of different religions are of the same type in all respect but the concepts of almighty are not the same. Finally, love has been a decorative word in the world to deceive self and others.

Due to selfish attitudes and views to arrogate, many of the creatures have met the fate of extinction. Many so-called civilisations have vanished. The reasons for all unfortunate happenings are human-made. Those reasons are still prevailing.

Humans consider themselves wise but in reality, their visions are very short-sighted. They forget that everything in nature is important and required for balance.

The plights of humans in the world are invited by their actions. We may find that the older humans’ findings and thoughts, on managing essential factors for life and its real aim in this world in coordination with various units of nature for continuous existence, are written in many important respectable books of oldest humans’ religion – “Sanatan.” In one of its holy books,” Bhagavad Gita,” everything related to humans for leading a purposeful life has been mentioned in detail. Every aspect of life is mentioned in those holy books and stands true and applicable in modern days also. Still, the concept of action and its fruit stands true. Human related basic problems are the same everywhere from ages. I think that it is not harmful to gather knowledge from holy books of any faith to lead a meaningful life for the sake of humanity. Humans are bearer for grace and necessities.

Life is to be managed by everyone as individual ones but having respect to each other. Problems may be eradicated or minimised by suitable actions only. Love is really needed in all ages. Money can not buy everything – love, happiness, respect, trust and dignity, etc. World is a family, such attitude should prevail. There is nothing opposite in meaning from an important point of view. Everything is part of each other. Nothing is useless. We decide it.

Spicy Life

I have spices in life –
Love touches,
Pain roots deeply,
Certainty ensures,
Uncertainty calls,
Challenge strikes,
Change chides,
Nature intimidates,
Destiny plays.

I have cooked myself –
Attraction invites,
Allurement misguides,
Lust entangles,
Emotion touches,
Eye catches,
Conclusion deviates,
Relation dies.

I have met realities –
Attempt faces destiny,
Desire creates problems,
Company demands priorities,
Attachment exposes weakness,
Situation checks desires,
Acceptance invites problems,
Rejection fumes gossip,
Award raises questions.

I have found life is a mixture of –
And many more.

I have met to witness life being on sale to –
Make every minute memorable.
Make it memorable.
Make it a business for self.
Make it a battlefield of selfishness.

I have reservations.
Life has many features –
Life is on unique themes.
Life is artificially photogenic.
Life is active, but on social media.
Life is moving on perceptions.
Life is hybrid but fictitious.
Life is immersing in cosmopolitan culture, having conservative thoughts.

But life is missing the real meaning.
Life has been a thread full of knots, fully entangled.

Give me

Give me warmth,
I will give you a shadow.
Give me music,
I will give you depth.
Give me words,
I will give you meaning.
Give me silence,
I will give you emotions.
Give me shelter,
I will give you reason to be.
Give me love,
I will give you life.
Give me fears,
I will give you light.
Give me way,
I will discover your target.
Give me ” if, “
I will give you an explanation.
Give me ” but, “
I will give you an alternative.
Give me pain,
I will give you rain for joy.
Give me sedation,
I will give you a cause.
Give me feelings,
I will give you a call.
Give me credentials,
I will give you faithfulness.
Give me tears,
I will give you peace.
Give me wills,
I will give you liberation.
Give me senses,
I will give you fearlessness.
Give me time,
I will give you a purpose.
Give me grief,
I will give you solutions.
Give me desires,
I will give you satisfaction.
Give me worries,
I will give you wings.
Give me yourself,
I will give you salvation.

I think our almighty, named as God, will give and take care of all if we really come under his umbrella of shelter by heart and deeds. When we leave, we gain a motive of life that should prevail in the world. The whole process involves the principle of “give” and “give.”

Let everyone swim to sink into him. 

We are better

They said,
They have said,
They say,
They are superiors,
They have something special,
They have restricted us,
They have encroached in our areas,
They are humans.

We have no weapons,
We are animals,
We are wild,
We are better.
We are not humans.

They have brains,
They make us pets,
They make slaves from themselves,
They are humans.

We are better,
We have a separate gene,
We have different blood,
We have different lifestyles,
We are thankful to God,
We have only one God,
We are not humans.

They are wise,
They have many different Gods.
They have different heavens,
They have different blood groups.
They are humans.

We are better,
They fight like us,
They always fight,
They fight for their different Gods,
They fight for everything,
But have nothing.
They wish for peace,
But compete with each other,
They  are humans.

We are better,
We have one language,
We have similar requirements,
We are not humans.
At certain points, they are also like animals,
But have different languages.

They always think about tomorrow,
But miss today.
They think of heaven,
But make the earth hell.
They used to kill us,
But they are saving us for their sake.
They are humans.
They are blind in actions,
But realise their faults later.
They are to reciprocate us,
But consider us enemies.

We are better,
We are animals.
They always realise later,
They are humans,
They have developed brains,
But we are better,
We have contributions to human growth.
They have not helped us.
They have used us.

Their brains are like two edged swords,
They harm themselves most.
We are succumbing to their attitudes,
As we are animals.

They know more about us than themselves.
They can predict our future.
They can decide our fate.
They are the most advanced creature on earth.
But they are confused about themselves.

Because of them-
We are not only cornered,
But we are encroached also.
Mother Earth also bears the use of the human brain.
For them, they change but Mother Earth never changes.
Because they celebrate Earth Day to remember her importance.
It seems like they think their mothers to be remembered on Mother’s Day.
They are poorly conscious wise superiors.

We are better,
We are animals,
We have no such false paradise.
We save our dwellings.
We are not humans.

They live to leave,
But not for life.
We are better,
We are not humans.

My Conclusion

I have always been activated to be conscious of useful things from the very beginning in life. When some sense developed in childhood from infancy, I was trained to be conscious of daily courses and senses of shame were induced in me. In the course of growth in age, I was introduced to many conscious oriented topics as preparations to meet both the physical and spiritual worlds smoothly. Morality, rituals, family values, culture, and religious matter took the top positions in teachings to sail in the world. Wherever any sort of lacking in me was noticed, I was made conscious. Finally, before the beginning of my youth phase, I became a mature trunk of a tree to face the worldly challenges.

My teachers and my parents trained me well but the world had many other options to change me as per others’ conditions and needs. When I was a student, I heard a number of times grievance about my shortcomings and onus was assigned to my parents’ style of bringing me up. But I continued learning as to how to deal with worldly affairs. I learnt many things to overlap my all earlier teachings. Last but not least, in this materialistic world, craving money became a driving force for all desires, forgetting many responsibilities related to many, like moral and social teachings.

Morality always took the last position in dealing with the public for vitamin – M (money). I did the job and earned more curses than the blessings of deserving one. All those silently gathered in the store of my destiny ahead. I rejoiced the incomes other than salary to satiate me and my family’s welfare. I used my position and power not to serve as a servant but as an opportunity for garnering money. This attitude affected my social life and responsibilities. I had become only toy controlled by remote keys. Even I couldn’t give the required attention to my aged, ailing parents for the reason and participated in their last rituals only.  Because of my family, I was formal to my parents.

My activities bore fruits later in my old age when I required the dear ones the most. I remained alone among all family members. I was the money getting machine to them in their show businesses.

Whether I was a lesson to others or not, I did not know but I had lost my root and was not eligible to teach on my actions. My achievements were only known to outsider’s as praise but the cost paid for them was known to me. I could not tell that a happy man like me, as appeared, might not be really happy. A healthy and strong looking man might be suffering and living on medicine.

I had nothing to appreciate. My relatives were for naming the relationship without proper contacts. I had missed the real syllabus of life. I was successful but for myself. I got an addiction to wealth and missed the bus of my life. I had only the remembrance and repentance in share at the last stage of life.

My remembrance of childhood spent in my native village, my house, trees, ponds, orchards, fields, relatives and friends are last treasure to give me some relief. My repentance on my deeds during servant of people is curse for the rest of life. Now I am beating around the bush. I ask for my care, though I am a victim of not taking care of my aged and needy parents. Time is the best teacher.

The end is clear. I remember the same condition witnessed in the case of one of my older colleagues who ultimately got the punishment by destiny. He was alone. Even his better half had left him for her convenience. I have no way other than to wait and I am waiting for my turn.

It is clear that life is a story to be written by oneself. It faces the results during the present one life. No second life is required by God to execute the task in the form of results.

Old age is the mirror showing your real images without make-up. Life is not the business but it has been made. Behavioural changes should keep in mind their reciprocal effects. Everyone is the ultimate recipient of the results of deeds. Life has no grievance redressal system. Life is to be searched and concluded in own way owing to its interpretation. Life’s smile is conditional. There is no “Thanksgiving way” in the last time of life.


In our lives, we give stress on good mind and good find. But this may not be true in all cases. I think that this may be true only in private matters, but to a limited extent. In this world of adversaries, we should know well that one swallow does not make a summer.

This world is like a big pot, wherein every creature has place, importance, functions and needs. If someone wants to be independent, in such a situation, for survival, then it is never possible. We need each other to exist and survive. Our origin is itself as a result of dependence. In fact, everyone is supposed to live, give and make a congenial atmosphere to others as a family.

Under such natural management, it is a must in practicability to accept that coordination among all essential factors is highly required for growth, existence and sustainability. We may get examples in our world’s history that many civilisations developed and culminated beause of the coordination as per needs but the moment some disturbance and interruption in coordination, specially with nature,  emanated, the declines started and finally extinctions were enrolled in the history of humans. Human civilisations not only faced devastation because of their faults but also contributed to the disturbances of lives of many animals and plants. Humans, to express their valour and quench their thirsts for animal’s skin or meat, etc. hunted them from time immemorial. Even ferocious animals could not face humans as they fought with them(animals) by coordination with some sorts of weapons.

Coordination has emerged as a necessity and has been well understood in modern days. Nowadays, because of multifarious developments, ever changing requirements, political and economic situations in the world, coordination has always been a very complex process to achieve success in any field. We may find that without coordination among various departments, a final product may not be obtained. This saves time, stops wastage of materials, increases productivity of humans and controls cost of production, etc. This also gives foresightedness to project the needs for many things based on technological knowledge and projections, etc. Coordination is compulsory in all walks of life, from daily routine activities to preparation for future events and from building infrastructures to technical advancements, etc. We may lack in any field, without coordination, giving ways to doomsday.

The history of slavery in many countries, in many cases, has been because of the absence of coordination in analysing the needs of time and hidden threats in dealing with any unknown human or an alluring country. These are still existing in the hidden agenda of a few strong, wealthy and developed countries, in dealing with many weak and vulnerable countries, in the name of social, economic and political assistance for betterment of life, growth and developments. If history does not tell a lie, they may implement their hidden agenda by imposing different kinds of sanctions in the long run to control and weaken a particular country. They act in coordination as well wisher of humanity.

Our almighty, God, has already implicit importance of coordination in our body. God has prepared the body to function, having coordination with age and growth, affecting factors of nature and needs. The brain has been given to act and react to the situations, with thinking ability and  projecting the future’s needs. There are needs of coordination between body and brain. We know that a healthy brain, for perfect function, needs a healthy body that depends upon our activities. Though the  final controller is brain, good coordination is needed between the brain and body in all functions, whether physical or mental.

Coordination is an imperative element to execute, implement and ensure future in any aspect, whether personal or national. 
Spiritual achievements also require coordination among needs, greeds and satisfactions. God has bestowed us with developed brains to control, support and coordinate for him as a final goal to meet.

” Me” Time

I wanted to have my life for myself through others who had affected the meaning of my life and had given a rationality to others through me. In this journey, I had never been liberated in the name of responsibilities which were also my liabilities to meet before actual liberation.

I wanted to continue my childish and innocent attitudes but I was reminded of the age specific changes that seldom suited me and never liberated me. I had learnt the complicated philosophy of life from the simple game having snakes and ladders as the main influencer and controller in the game. I had learnt the cooperations from outdoor games. Even the thin pieces of fifty-two playing cards had influenced me to seek different new things to keep life lively. As in the playing cards, different pieces had values in hierarchy, l, likewise, got the same in my service. Finally, I was like football and never got ” me ” time in this game of life.

Life was free in childhood and was in control of time and expectations of others in adulthood. That was the time of adulthood when I was burdened with many diversified responsibilities, from preparing future generations to meeting the challenges of society, service and others. I had become one of the players in the continued stories of my predecessors.

I met the ups and downs in that period, like changes in seasons controlling lifestyles. I had been accustomed to my life, forgetting rather than ignoring my wishes. 

The time, which was not in my control, one day signalled me to think about myself in this changing world where concepts of life and the meaning of relationships had changed because of developments. Developments that were envisaged to make the life comfortable and easy restricted the activities and thinking to be alone. Everyone was busy and active but mostly on electronic media. Everything was available on finger tips.

I felt alone among all in this new world. I could not return to my native place in the village because of a changed lifestyle in due course of life’s journey. I could not afford those things as I was a part of a transitional generation to the newer one, carrying many old values. 

I had to adjust in this world. I felt alone when I attained a diamond jublee of age and I was separated from service where I was very important and considered as indispensable once. Those were all situational importance and positional requirements. I was compensated well along with monthly sustainable pension. I thought my time was purchased. All my experiences were not useful to me except giving satisfaction to me that I had contributed in some cause.

Now, I am having a problem spending the time given to me. I am a free bird. As a result, I have my ” me ” time. I am turning to my hidden interests with my friends of school days. I have found happiness in small children. They are eager to know the world with many questions which may be replied to by persons like me, having patience. I enjoy their innocence and smile on ignorance, knowing something new. I am also trying to know, like them, about the world where I have to go at last.

Since departure from the world is imminent, I am enjoying my life as destined by God. I am happy that I am having time for my old interest. I know that life is not perfect all the time.

The moral of life is that everyone, specially belonging to service class, should have some different interests to be engaged after retirement. This makes mind engaged, body fit and uses time positively. No repentance, the God has given full time and space. He is the ultimate truth to be known.

I am one

I am one,
I am an individual,
I am not the only one.
But I am one too.

I am desire,
I am desperate,
I am not the only one,
But I am one too.

I am fire,
I am water,
I am not the only one,
But I am one too.

I am natural,
I am artificial,
I am not the only one,
But I am one too.

I am a servant,
I am  a master,
I am  not the only one,
But I am one too.

I cry,
I laugh,
I am not the only one,
But I am one too.

My God, you have made me not alone but I want to be one for you. I want to be blind in your name in this life but I am not the same in every situation. I change under the control of nerves every moment.

I have only faith in you because your naturally made world has been turned into an artificially controlled intelligent world. There are only doubts and doubts. Everyone is ready to be in a crowd but virtually. Our togatherness ultimately has loneliness. Our prayer has only desires. Our help is in your name. Our goal is for ourselves. Our love has hidden intentions. Ours is a confused world. We chase the shadow of others.

I know that, one day, my nerves will succumb to situations forever. That day, I want your hands to hold me. That day, I want to forget this world. I am tired. I have missed you, my God. I want answers to all questions in your lap. My end is a bounty for me in your calendar defining my cycle. 

Mercy for each other

Who are we? You humans have given us  names. We are silent observers. We have a huge family. We are in size from smallest to tallest and having home everywhere on the earth, in the sea and on the mountain. Our shapes and sizes vary as per height of ground, climate and availability of water. We are of many types but are related to each other. Our mission and roles are somewhat the same. We help each other. We believe in symbiosis. We give and take for survival of each other. We exchange honour. We save, secure and sacrifice for ourselves and others. We have no pause and are always useful, even after our worldly death. We are for others and we do not consume our products.

We love nature. Rain is our nectar. Wind is our swinging agent. We react to natural agents. We take our essentials for survival from earth and return them at the end. Sun gives us energy for food making. Our stored food is the first in the food chain consumed on earth. We give shelter to many animals for rest and abode.

Our list of usefulness is beyond our imagination. We are colourful. We are decorating. We are having psychological effects on brains and control mood. We give pleasures through our attractive roles. We may occupy space in the house also. We keep healthy surroundings and support immunities in creatures.

We never ask for favour and even heal our wounds by ourselves. We are seldom enemies to anyone. But we have dug-out our graves ourselves by enabling the congenial atmosphere for origin and supplying all essentials for the sustainability of humans. Initially, they were in tandem with us, giving full support and respect to us. Later, with the growth and applications of their brains, they are hurting us by overuse for their greed. Our existence is at stake. We give them life-saving gas, consuming their harmful generated gas, but we are succumbing to their attitudes. It is a great joke that they are thinking of us. This will adversely affect them. Their ways are very ridiculous. They are thinking of protecting us by cutting our branches and trunks. They fight for our shadows in cities on the Broadway built by cutting us. We do not know their calculation methods through which they project that cutting trees will not affect climate. What a pity. They are talking of global warming and count for their doomsday. They are great gamblers of their lives. Their dice are warning them. They are cutting trees falling on them, making their graves. Global warming and erratic behaviours of climates are digging those graves.

One day, we may be found in botanical museums as animals, victims to humans, and are kept in the zoo. We are imagining conditions of humans fighting with each other for existence. Who will repent on whom? Every new generation has to bear the brunt of selfishness of older generation. We are giving way to our sacrifices. We have not been replenished at any time because we are plants. We have planted humans at our costs. We may go together. It is true that we are now at your mercy but the facts and results are to be faced by all. When one of us dies, it is not one but many die?  So save trees to save everything.