Human-made Life

Taste is to tongue but the problem is with stomach.
Thinking is to brain but its effect is for ages.
Life has been like that. Everything is as per rule but effect is never thought before action is completed. My thinking is becoming more self repenting and resenting because I am also a part of all. Where will the journey end? It is not in my control. Learned people may rebuke me because of their knowledge. My ignorance is now my weapon to save me from depression because of other’s deeds. But I want answers to my doubts. There may be limitations.

I have never seen the originator of the clandestine universe but I think that all answers only lie there with him. I have started having virtual conversations with that almighty. I am to ask questions and I am to answer through the almighty. I find that I have to be “We” first to know the reason and meaning of life.

We know from history that humans, with eager brains, slowly slowly explored the surroundings and were very happy with little knowledge and respect to nature and everyone. Their attitudes changed from sacrificing for each other with minimum needs to greed to grab maximum share for self without any limit. With the passage of time, cactus replaced rose flower as decorative plant and crows’ caw caw became melody replacing cuckoos’ melodious sound. They aggravated their future with problems in all walks of life.

Humans have traversed life from stone age’s  difficult dwelling in caves to comfortable high-rise buildings. They have developed two unpredictable faces. They may dupe psychologically with innocent attitudes. They are more political than actual thoughts influenced by their devotion to already defined responsibilities. Humans have increased knowledge and reached on Moon and Mars but have forgotten the meaning of life. They are only enriching their knowledge to enslave the rivals.

They have concluded that love should prevail in the world for peace and sustainability. They have accepted the existence of a controller and named almighty. That is another thing that with changing thoughts for supremacy, different religions originated, giving different names to the same one almighty. It is a matter of great surprise that humans of different religions are of the same type in all respect but the concepts of almighty are not the same. Finally, love has been a decorative word in the world to deceive self and others.

Due to selfish attitudes and views to arrogate, many of the creatures have met the fate of extinction. Many so-called civilisations have vanished. The reasons for all unfortunate happenings are human-made. Those reasons are still prevailing.

Humans consider themselves wise but in reality, their visions are very short-sighted. They forget that everything in nature is important and required for balance.

The plights of humans in the world are invited by their actions. We may find that the older humans’ findings and thoughts, on managing essential factors for life and its real aim in this world in coordination with various units of nature for continuous existence, are written in many important respectable books of oldest humans’ religion – “Sanatan.” In one of its holy books,” Bhagavad Gita,” everything related to humans for leading a purposeful life has been mentioned in detail. Every aspect of life is mentioned in those holy books and stands true and applicable in modern days also. Still, the concept of action and its fruit stands true. Human related basic problems are the same everywhere from ages. I think that it is not harmful to gather knowledge from holy books of any faith to lead a meaningful life for the sake of humanity. Humans are bearer for grace and necessities.

Life is to be managed by everyone as individual ones but having respect to each other. Problems may be eradicated or minimised by suitable actions only. Love is really needed in all ages. Money can not buy everything – love, happiness, respect, trust and dignity, etc. World is a family, such attitude should prevail. There is nothing opposite in meaning from an important point of view. Everything is part of each other. Nothing is useless. We decide it.

10 thoughts on “Human-made Life

  1. Good flow in thoughts. Human flaws will remain through civilizations and ages because we are not meant to be a perfect machine. We are just what the nature conjured up at the turn of continents splitting and raging ice ages. We adapted them well, thatswhy we remain. Some day we may not and we have to accept the reality. No amount of religion can change that fact.

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