
I think to explore as to how all occupations are interrelated. Occupational engagements may be attractive and satisfactory if they are aspirations’ oriented and interesting. Occupational engagements are always needed to keep the cycles in continuity from generation to generation. They may be traditional, hereditary or situational as per changes in the world in various fields of life’s aspects. Though every occupation is must and important for livelihoods, society and nation’s development, we consider mainly four occupations- agriculture, business, services and parasital begging – as conventional.

Agricultural engagements are the most respectable, noble and always first-hand life supporting in the world by producing food grains and other items to feed the needy. They are mostly nature oriented and face maximum natural vagaries. They are givers. Their hands give power to the belly and brains of many. We should respect them and worship them. I think agriculture is the foundation for all other occupations. It feeds a nation and many more. This may be treated as the basis of every occupation.

The second best occupation is the market oriented businesses, affecting local as well as national and international availability of commodities in serving the people. They are changing their dimensions and functions continuously under the influence of time, inventions, requirements, traditions and global scenarios. It gives opportunities to grow wealth with the sole intention of earnings as profits. This occupation may be treated as the linkage between consumers and companies, making life easier and better.

The third occupation which depends upon the availability of scope to serve, attracts most. This affects every requirement catering to the needs of even agriculture and business. This has clusters of ways to serve the societies, nation and the world. This occupation is getting preference now a days due to changing attitudes in aspirants. Most of the professions range from politics, policymaking, administration, judiciary, medicals, science, technical, defence, education, business, agriculture and arts, etc. and are the glorious chapters of this occupation. This occupation is getting more attention and has specialists in various fields. In this occupation, except politics, medical doctors, lawyers and labourers, all others have to serve up to a definite age in life and have to retire from the occupation. Most of the population in a country belongs to this occupation and plays vital roles in the overall development of a country. 

The fourth occupation may never be appreciated because begging may not be a traditional occupation as it is not respectable and may be because of many reasons – it may be socio-economic to helplessness to no options left. However, it may be treated better than theft, robbery or other illegal practices. But beggary and illegal practices should not be encouraged for the betterment and proper utilisation of human powers. This occupation is the last option to be considered. This occupation is the indication of failures in the system supposed to ensure a respectful life to everyone.

A noble option for income and suitable occupation should be made available to every needy to lead a respectable and comfortable life. Everyone is independent to choose any profession but we may get many engaged in traditional occupations. There should be respect for each occupation because no occupation may be independent and need each other.

We should remember that occupation is not destined by God. We may choose for the best and switch later or may have more than one occupation. At last, every occupation is a service to society, nation and world. One should be recognised by his or her good deeds being done to serve the societies, not by his or her occupation. Occupation is like the address of a house to reach there.

Whatever occupation is possible, one thing should be common and that should be a fine line in the name of God to respect each other. God should not be commercialised as a trade symbol of trust but it should be for awareness in the name of humanity. In due course of growth in any occupation, nature should be properly considered not only as a resource provider but also as a catalyst with due care for her maintenance for generations to come.

A fear from God should not be missing in every occupation.

13 thoughts on “Occupation

  1. As an American I find this really interesting in particular because of the broad range of occupations you regard as “service” industries. Where I live, this term is typically applied only to what we consider to be more “menial” occupations, store clerks, wait staff, housekeepers, etc. (low-status jobs). I like the broadening of this concept to include public servants, and others whom our society regards as having “higher” status.

    I also appreciate that you consider begging an occupation — the last resort for many, yet still a task performed to acquire sustenance, and therefore not without its own honor. I really liked this: “This occupation is the indication of failures in the system supposed to ensure a respectful life to everyone.”

    Very thoughtful piece! Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

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