My Conclusion

I have always been activated to be conscious of useful things from the very beginning in life. When some sense developed in childhood from infancy, I was trained to be conscious of daily courses and senses of shame were induced in me. In the course of growth in age, I was introduced to many conscious oriented topics as preparations to meet both the physical and spiritual worlds smoothly. Morality, rituals, family values, culture, and religious matter took the top positions in teachings to sail in the world. Wherever any sort of lacking in me was noticed, I was made conscious. Finally, before the beginning of my youth phase, I became a mature trunk of a tree to face the worldly challenges.

My teachers and my parents trained me well but the world had many other options to change me as per others’ conditions and needs. When I was a student, I heard a number of times grievance about my shortcomings and onus was assigned to my parents’ style of bringing me up. But I continued learning as to how to deal with worldly affairs. I learnt many things to overlap my all earlier teachings. Last but not least, in this materialistic world, craving money became a driving force for all desires, forgetting many responsibilities related to many, like moral and social teachings.

Morality always took the last position in dealing with the public for vitamin – M (money). I did the job and earned more curses than the blessings of deserving one. All those silently gathered in the store of my destiny ahead. I rejoiced the incomes other than salary to satiate me and my family’s welfare. I used my position and power not to serve as a servant but as an opportunity for garnering money. This attitude affected my social life and responsibilities. I had become only toy controlled by remote keys. Even I couldn’t give the required attention to my aged, ailing parents for the reason and participated in their last rituals only.  Because of my family, I was formal to my parents.

My activities bore fruits later in my old age when I required the dear ones the most. I remained alone among all family members. I was the money getting machine to them in their show businesses.

Whether I was a lesson to others or not, I did not know but I had lost my root and was not eligible to teach on my actions. My achievements were only known to outsider’s as praise but the cost paid for them was known to me. I could not tell that a happy man like me, as appeared, might not be really happy. A healthy and strong looking man might be suffering and living on medicine.

I had nothing to appreciate. My relatives were for naming the relationship without proper contacts. I had missed the real syllabus of life. I was successful but for myself. I got an addiction to wealth and missed the bus of my life. I had only the remembrance and repentance in share at the last stage of life.

My remembrance of childhood spent in my native village, my house, trees, ponds, orchards, fields, relatives and friends are last treasure to give me some relief. My repentance on my deeds during servant of people is curse for the rest of life. Now I am beating around the bush. I ask for my care, though I am a victim of not taking care of my aged and needy parents. Time is the best teacher.

The end is clear. I remember the same condition witnessed in the case of one of my older colleagues who ultimately got the punishment by destiny. He was alone. Even his better half had left him for her convenience. I have no way other than to wait and I am waiting for my turn.

It is clear that life is a story to be written by oneself. It faces the results during the present one life. No second life is required by God to execute the task in the form of results.

Old age is the mirror showing your real images without make-up. Life is not the business but it has been made. Behavioural changes should keep in mind their reciprocal effects. Everyone is the ultimate recipient of the results of deeds. Life has no grievance redressal system. Life is to be searched and concluded in own way owing to its interpretation. Life’s smile is conditional. There is no “Thanksgiving way” in the last time of life.

23 thoughts on “My Conclusion

  1. Way to take an honest look Santable. Eat your regrets with salted tears it forget not the butter for your movie’s popcorn. There remains joy to be seen and perhaps found. Still. J Richards – sometimes smiling still past the gloom of drawing nigh(t).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think you are cruel to yourself. Forgiving one’s own mistakes is very important. If life has given you repentance it will also show ways to amend. Be in search of the path to redemption. We are all fallible. But in time we have to rise above our vices. The honesty with which you have written this piece shows you are true to yourself. I am sure you will rise like a Phoenix someday.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I can tell you that the best thing I can do to take care of my aging mother is to help her pay for her end of life needs. So money is not so bad after all. Why be so hard on yourself?

    Liked by 1 person

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