My Questions

We want friendship between dog and cat, lion and cow and other such animals which are enemies of life of each other but as human beings, when it comes to ourselves, our attitudes become analytical. We want lions to play with mice, but we humans have developed concepts of racism and many other differentiating thinkings as per vested interest. Every human wants to be self beneficiary at other’s cost.

Almighty, We, always, defy learning from your concepts for existence. We forget to take lessons and understand that deep into the cracks in the hard surface, you have a few seeds, waiting for drops of water to germinate under your guidance. You have media through Sun and rain for survival. Sun to develop cracks in hard surfaces to preserve seeds, deep in safe custody and rain, to limit the dryness for existence and sustainability. You have given capabilites to big trees to use cracks to strengthen their hold in the ground, spreading roots and to save themselves from storms. You have something for everyone for survival. Likewise, in the life of brainy humans, every unfavourable situation has an opportunity for preservation, waiting for someone who has been empowered to help and have capacity for continuity. You give indication by many means to take precautionary measures for preservation.

You make sense triggered into humans for your importance and meaning to give lessons to your world despite natural empowerment. We may always need your attention with some refinements to ensure the future. When we forget about your intentions in creating trust for others, you have grudges with us. But you never consider yourself to harm us with your last message and make space to all our progress.

We express ourselves and you may find many ways to protect us. Even if we leave earth without any belonging and other essentials, you have different ways to help us with your kindness. Because you always send us on earth like that, alone, without anything but with all prior necessary arrangements for our survival.

I think that we forget your intentions about our behaviours. You have given emotional lessons through sunlight which is a representation of the unity of seven colours, every colour sacrificing for a final colour, to be meaningful to give energy for the existence and sustainability of your creatures. At the same time, you show rainbow from sunlight, with message, to make life colourful with self entity. You have made solid ice, vapour and flowing liquid of the same water to give lessons to change at places to remain useful. You have given everything in one body – solid, liquid and gas. But I want to know about the allotment of the destiny and life of your individual creature. You change from one point to another, more likely to see your world better than unrealistic imagined scenes. Pleasure emanating scenes instigate thinking about your business. I may only guess.

I have many questions. You know them all. Because you germinate all questions in mind to generate persuasion for secrets of life. Your, so called, mentors, who carefully interpret you, at times, in the name of faiths, for their purposeful achievements, may not be unbiased for my questionnaires because they act as dividers. These dividers are not meant to check accidents on the road of thoughts but to generate conflicts since birth for their sake. You may only reply to my questions, ranging from pain to pleasure and spreading from this world to your world. These questions make a lifeline, demarcating the limit of this earthy world.  I crave to know about the beginning of your world because someone may know about the advent of life in this world after stipulated months but may not know the time of departure from this world.

I think that you should make your creatures unidirectional to love each other within diversity, for you only. When you decide our worldly arrival and departure, you should not leave us on our whimsical reasons to live. As your creature, I have the right to ask you because everyone in your world lives in individuality but pretends to be accommodative and cosmopolitan. They have forgotten that a roof needs more than one wall to rest in stability. I want to live for living with you. The only option, I feel, is to leave for your world at your mercy.

23 thoughts on “My Questions

  1. Meaningful questions you have there. We come and go from this world at the mercy of God. We live due to his mercy. Perhaps he tests us at every situation, sometimes by giving more and sometimes less. But he still continues to love us. Even though we tend to forget him every now and then.

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  2. We are the product of so much ‘man-made’ conditioning; we discriminate and pass judgement on others because of this conditioning. Find who you are. Be yourself. Follow your heart. You have freedom of choice. You decide what is right for you. Respect others and their choices and their right to decide what is right for them – without discrimination or judgement. Don’t tie your self up in knots trying to work it all out. Just let it all flow

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  3. The seed that harbors in the ground will one day grow into a mighty oak, with a little luck; the human who is a baby will one day grow into a mighty conqueror, with a little nurturance and guidance in the right direction. Who can say who is more natural, the conqueror or the oak? In the right light, both may seem to grasp the mantle of nature and win out.

    Come visit my blog and leave some comments, if you like. I like your stuff.

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