
I presume that everyone is professional in life at any point in time. I think that I have been professional. l assume that I have been a growing professional. I accept that I have been made professional. I confess that I enjoy professionalism. I assure myself that I am paying for professionalism. I rebuke myself that I have been professional. Is professionalism like that?

When I was a child, my innocence was exchanged with emotions by professionals. I was trained to be the future’s product for the use of others, in the name of my self-sufficient and self-reliant life’s journey. I was silently killed in an alive mode for others. My mind was closed. I was transformed into a weapon. Ultimately, I was concluded to be a futile product in the field of professionally painted gorgeous world.

As a result, I was a successful professional measured on the standard prescribed by others. I was a rewarded professional and an example for new would be professionals, being trained to join a rat race.

As a professional, I brought laurels to others. As a professional, I brought name to self. As a professional, I searched gain in opportunities. As a professional, I pursued the distant light. As a professional, I left my roots. As a professional, I restricted to my motives. As a professional, I had my own definition for life. As a professional, others were tools to me. As a professional, I became a sheep.

Professionalism has been my symbol and identity. Professionalism had been my worship and idol. Professionalism had been my thinking and way of life. Professionalism had been above and before relationships. Professionalism had been my lust and intoxication. Due to professionalism, I had a set mindset.

In the end, professionalism has claimed its toll. I am being judged professionally. I am alone, as everyone has been professional. I am an example of being aloof and losing dear and near ones. I am a lesson to be taught as the last result of self-centered professionalism. My professionalism has been returned to me as my fate. I am reading it but in idealistic manners.

Where am I now? I am restricted. I am limited. I have climbed a mountain to see my end. I have got my truth. Ground is the only reality. Professionalism is a kind of magnet that has psychological explanations in its favour. It is good that God is not a professional.

44 thoughts on “Professionalism

  1. This is a very provocative post on professionalism. I thank you for sharing. It provides an honest insight of professionalism that I have not seen before. When we start our “professional” careers, it is mind-boggling that this is the true end. What were we searching for? And at the end of 20 to 30 years, this is where we end up? Wow! The truth of it all.

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  2. When I was an electronics engineer, I was more often or not surrounded by professionals, however as I progressed in my own personal career, I encountered people who had never been taught professionalism 101 in the classrooms of schools or even at home. I was confronted with people in my organizations who were hired to do a job that they had no idea how to do and I entered the word of training people for usually 6 to 8 months on how to do the job their were hired for, before they could truly be functional and take on a professional attitude in the workplace. I remember teachers of my sons telling me that “those types of things” could be learned on the job and they in elementary, middle and high school didn’t need to teach those things. My response was simply, in the “real world,” those things matter, not only to get hired, but also to grow themselves into better paying positions. I was lucky to have three brothers, who taught me those things in the home and schools did teach those things successfully. Now schools teach for tests, so their students will promote, even though many are borderline illiterates. Working in a major electronics firm, we had a library, that was open to all people on a wide range of professional and personal improvement courses, which allowed people with lesser abilities, to learn how to compete. Different world we live in today.

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  3. Sometimes, we strove for excellence too much, never, allowing any flaws in our lives, we lose sight of, the, simplest things in our lives, and, of what’s, important, that, keeping true to our own values, not allowing anybody else to, define us into, who we are, that, we are the only ones, who can and should, define us. We get, too caught on being, “perfect”, we end up, losing, a whole lot more than we, gained.

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  4. Professionalism is often rooted in process and process adherence is always important, especially when risks are involved. However, creativity can often diminish when we follow the set tracks of thought in our heads, grooving the ruts further in our psyche.

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  5. Great and excellent blog post Santable sir. Great elaboration and detailed information about professionalism.

    Everyone is capable of being a pro but it requires discipline and a great attitude all the time. At work, it is key to be a professional๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

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