Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions are factors that prove to be cobwebs at the time of problems. Their simple lines with complicated “if and but” can show light to the Sun. A vehicle manufacturer proclaims per litre average performance, only under ideal conditions that are never met in actuality. You may never complain. Financial companies claim the growth of your money but never forget to mention at last that it is subjected to market risks. You may never evaluate those risks.

Such terms and conditions are not in our control but we are affected by them because we have desires and we take decisions. These are fabricated by concerned and may be subjected to change any time, depending upon suitability. We hover between warranty and guarantee of the company that too depicted by business’s attitudes. We may find their vision and mission more attractive to grow businesses. They try to inculcate that all their activities are centred on us. In general, we are like that, taken for granted,for them with many hidden intentions.

Life has become a product in the human-made world also, always changing by many controls. Such controlling factors start affecting everyone from the time of anticipation of birth till departure from this world in one way or many other forms. They have grave effects at every stage of life up to the extent that we forget the real meaning of our existence and the purpose of living.

The entire stay on this earth appears to be well in control of oneself but it is all in a fictitious way. The terms change every moment and many things are added in the name of conditions, responsibilities and enjoyments. Social obligations play vital roles in such terms and conditions. Physical weakness and deteriorating will power hold dangerous terms and acceptance becomes conditional to survive.

I think terms are invitation cards and conditions that are similar to entangle before final solutions. These always keep on engaging and try to hinder from following the path of salvation. However, those who stick to the truth and selflessly act, carve their niche for the most important meaning of life and stick to the moral obligations of society and religion. One role, very important in life and very necessary, takes back seat – we think of God very late in life. Most of the time, religious thoughts and stigma act as hurdles in the name of God. Every religion tries to prove reliable and claim nearer to God. Customs and laid down traditions play attractive roles in the fear of society. Many times, it becomes difficult to act for self to rise to the aspirations of God.

It should not be in the last to think of the love of God. But it should be from the very beginning in life. Terms and conditions are to be considered, maintaining balance between worldly desires and God’s will. God’s terms and conditions are not very difficult to understand. They are very simple and only want the spreading of love. They never change. God has created the world with an inherent element of love for peace and growth. Love is key to nature. Everyone should have love in life for humans, humanity and surroundings. God should be considered at every stage of life. Otherwise, the existence of the whole nature will be at stake. God is very kind with his terms and conditions.

20 thoughts on “Terms and Conditions

  1. May the Pure and Unconditional Love, the Blissful Joy, the Serene Peace and Total Freedom of God be with you now and always. Everything less is misconception. πŸ€—πŸ₯°β˜€οΈπŸ’πŸ’•βœ¨

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Terms and conditions, the lines we never truly read by heart. πŸ˜‚

    These terms and conditions, in my opinion, areΒ meant to protect companies and act against clients in particular ways. God has no termsΒ and conditions; His love and kindness are unconditional and unreservedly accepting.

    Thanks for sharing and have a great, blessed week ahead!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Im thankful that Jesus fulfilled those special conditions that reconciled me to God, earlier in life than some, later than others…in the future I will wake up and be like Him. Then the world will be very different. Loved this post.

    Liked by 2 people

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