I am one

I am one,
I am an individual,
I am not the only one.
But I am one too.

I am desire,
I am desperate,
I am not the only one,
But I am one too.

I am fire,
I am water,
I am not the only one,
But I am one too.

I am natural,
I am artificial,
I am not the only one,
But I am one too.

I am a servant,
I am  a master,
I am  not the only one,
But I am one too.

I cry,
I laugh,
I am not the only one,
But I am one too.

My God, you have made me not alone but I want to be one for you. I want to be blind in your name in this life but I am not the same in every situation. I change under the control of nerves every moment.

I have only faith in you because your naturally made world has been turned into an artificially controlled intelligent world. There are only doubts and doubts. Everyone is ready to be in a crowd but virtually. Our togatherness ultimately has loneliness. Our prayer has only desires. Our help is in your name. Our goal is for ourselves. Our love has hidden intentions. Ours is a confused world. We chase the shadow of others.

I know that, one day, my nerves will succumb to situations forever. That day, I want your hands to hold me. That day, I want to forget this world. I am tired. I have missed you, my God. I want answers to all questions in your lap. My end is a bounty for me in your calendar defining my cycle. 

73 thoughts on “I am one

  1. We are, all, individuals, with, different fates, paths of life we are, on, but, what makes us the same is, we all, live in this, common environment called planet Earth, and, until we can, learn to, coexist peacefully with, each other, and with nature, we won’t have, the, needed, harmony that’s going to, make this world, a, better place to, live, in.

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