The last Human

History may be repeated but which one will be the first chapter? Where will the place of the last episode be? There may not be someone to write the history of earth in the last of humans’ existence. There may not be a place for probability but everything will be sure by more than any number of percentages. There will be a psychological crush and all knowledge will be subdued.

We have many assumptions relating to the happenings on earth. We ponder over the evolution of life on earth. We think of the appearance of the first human on earth. We think of the creation of God and the contribution of surroundings in the growth of humans up to the present state. At the same time, we also have knowledge of the extinction of a few species in the course of growth because of certain unexpected reasons. The same may happen with humans also because of their reasons for unwise activities. They have come at the pinnacle of evolution but they may meet the extinction, may be early because of their deeds.

In the long run, in the history of humans, deteriorating environmental conditions may reduce the potential for humans to control the population. Catastrophic response of nature may badly devastate the number of humans leading to sporadic distributions in hundreds, open to the heinous killing factors. All unexpected conditions may lead to restricting the number of humans.

I assume that finally, a single human may be left to bear the brunt of nature. That human would remember changes in the story of life from heyday to doomsday. Humans’ misconceptions of might and fighting with nature or scaling the mountain or jumping into space or attempting to artificially control the seasons proved to be troubles inviter. All achievements will be chiding the last human. The last human may assume that he, as usual, reaches a classroom or an office in the early hour to be the first and finally meets loneliness forever. Such may be the feeling.

Humans always revolutionised to save the earth and save the soil but could not save the humans. Every movement appeared as a piece of self-praise, leading to present-day fate. Nature had been giving warnings on different occasions but humans were busy proving supremacy and defying nature’s devastating capabilities.

Nature has made the origin of humans possible and may have the last laugh on humans. That will be the sarcastic utterance of nature on the highly developed creature of God. Even the wild animals will get pity on the last human and will spare. Lion, the christened king of the forest, will express sincere gratitude to humans for keeping him in the zoo and taking care of his requirements. The tree may say humans never considered our importance except in their discourses. I have sacrificed every part from root to trunk to fruits to make their lives easier. I have taken years to grow but they take minutes to cut me down. They have prepared my bonsai – a tiny form for household greenery to declare environment friendly concerns, to clear the air pollution and increase the breathing gas in the dirty air.

Nature has the hidden treasure of history of origin, growth and extinction of many creatures. Now, the last human may be the most wanted creature in her cradle. Nature may show the importance and the outcomes of her negligence. Nature may reveal the facts that she may increase the life expectancy of the last human because of clean air, water and natural foods. There will be the natural fragrance of the flower and not the artificial and chemically prepared essence to boast of developments. The last human may see for the first time the clear starry night with fireflies and clean rivers in the absence of irritating pollutants emanating from industries meant for the comforts of the human kingdom. The last human may witness the capacity of nature to rejuvenate herself and reclaim her lost glory.

I think that nature will show her full kindness to the last human because nature has created a milieu suitable for humans and has given everything for their sustainability and existence. Humans have committed mistakes to disturb nature’s cycles to face the repercussions in the form of the last human to bear the brunt.

Nature has welcomed the first human with all her resources and will give a big farewell to the last human. As far as imagined human history is concerned, I think that the heavenly “apple” will again play the role, to begin the first human with many strongly encrypted “do and not to do” lessons to honour mother nature in every period. It is expected at that time that humans will sow hearts to be heartfelt.

Late is better than never. We should avoid our harmful activities affecting nature in the interest of humans’ existence. Otherwise, nothing is impossible. We may only discuss ghost cities to be in the last.

28 thoughts on “The last Human

  1. The human species had, only, begun to, try to understand nature, unfortunately, we are, too slow, to become, fully, aware of the, effects of our crimes against, narure, besides, for humans, out of sight means, out of mind, which is why, we will, NEVER, fully, grasp, the, adverse, effect we humans have, on the planet that we live on, and, due to how we are, so, short-sighted, the next generations are going to, bear the, bad outcome of the destruction of the planet, caused by we, who are, living here, today, and, this would not be fair, as the, future generations are, made to, pay for, this current, generation’s, abuse on the, environment, but that, is how it goes. Many of us, don’t realize, that the planet, the environment, is out on, “loan” to us, from the, furure, generations yet to come, and so, the future generations, after we are gone, are all, going to get, PUNISHED, for what we are, currently, doing to this, planet, there’s, NO way around that.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Whatever you are narrating is already happening at many places in the world. And you are right, Humans are solving all kinds of complex problems except humans. Until mafias and lobbyists exist in tandem with the Governments, there is nothing that we can expect other than complete loss of human race. I enjoyed reading your blog.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Everything that has a beginning has an end also. I for one am grateful that nature fights back and will take the planet away from a species that is bringing ruin. What bothers me is humans who think they are better than other humans taking matters into their own hands to depopulate. Humans are lousy at being gods because we can’t control the world when we can’t even fully control ourselves, no matter how much education, money, or power we have.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Dear Santable,

    Your blog post delves into the intricate tapestry of Earth’s history, offering a captivating exploration of humanity’s journey from inception to a potential end. Your reflections on our existence, evolution, and the consequences of our actions are both insightful and beautifully articulated.

    You astutely highlight the fragile balance between humans and the environment. Your vision of a solitary last human, witnessing the changing narrative of life, is deeply moving.

    Your call to prioritize environmental conservation strikes a chord, and your description of a future where the last human experiences the purity of nature’s gifts is a compelling reminder of the need for change.

    In conclusion, your words serve as a poignant reminder that we must act now to safeguard our planet and avoid a bleak future. Thank you for sharing this thought-provoking perspective.

    Warm regards, Mike

    Liked by 4 people

  5. This, all of it, really makes you think about life as a whole. There are many people who do think this deeply about everything. We have gone through so damn much over the last, Iโ€™ll say 20 some years. Itโ€™s a lot to take in. And these are the things that can also take a toll on someone if they dwell too much. Love this โ™ฅ๏ธ

    Liked by 2 people

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